
Welcome to my blog! Enjoy my stories and reflections as I live, travel and work remotely for a year.

All the Feels in February

All the Feels in February

Some people say each Remote Year month has a theme. I’d never read into that, but there might be something to it.

August in Portugal was a month of late, crazy nights.

September in Morocco was a month of intense cultural experiences.

October in Bulgaria was a month of down time and growing new friendships.

November in Croatia was a month of adventure and stepping out of my physical comfort zone.

December in Prague was a month of reflection and personal time.

January in Spain was a month of work, work, work, and little play.

What about February?

Last Sunday evening I caught a rare moment to myself, perched on top of a rock on a private beach in Acapulco, Mexico. Whiskey and Diet Coke in hand, I sat and watched the waves crash against the rocks and the tiny crabs scurry around the beach. I embraced the warm, salty air while listening to 17 of my friends laughing and playing 90’s hip hop in the villa behind me. As I watched the sun go down, chills came over my body as I realized I was so genuinely content. For the first time in seven months, in that moment I felt like I was exactly where I was supposed to be with the people I was meant to be with. 

From the beginning of August through the end of January, my Remote Year family and I tore up Europe and had the time of our lives, making countless happy memories along the way. But the feeling I had that Sunday night was different. It wasn’t the hours of laughing hysterically, the beautiful weather or picturesque views that made me smile. It was the fact that I finally felt comfortable being my true self.  

While sitting on that rock I realized that the people I'm traveling with, the ones who were absolute strangers merely months ago, are changing my life. The big and small interactions we have every day are teaching me so much about who I am today and who I want to be tomorrow. The best part is that they’re not even trying. I fell into this crazy experience with incredible people who I didn’t even know I wanted or needed in my life. How awesome is that? 

At the end of the day, it’s not where I go, but who I'm with. It’s being vulnerable. It’s having deep conversations. It’s taking the time to truly understand someone else’s story. It’s being open to new perspectives. It's being present in the moment, and using lessons learned to prepare for a better future. Sometimes it even involves the crappy reality of hurting someone you care about to learn a thing or two.

This whirlwind of feelings that happens throughout Remote Year is difficult to explain unless you're living it. All I can tell you is that it's incredible. Those of you who are with me, thank you. If you haven't already, I hope you get a chance to feel deeply touched by the Ikigai family. Friends and family who are with me from afar, your continued love and support means the world to me. Never stop randomly checking in on me, please.  

February in Mexico has been a month with all the feels. My heart is so full of heartwarming conversations, valuable life lessons and the comfort of true, true friendships. And I have a feeling it’s only going to keep getting better.

Now let's get this Colombian party started!

Living Remote Year with Diabetes

Living Remote Year with Diabetes

I'm Giving Myself 25 Gifts.

I'm Giving Myself 25 Gifts.